Seven Steps To A Successful Online Personal Brand!
1) Find a mentor who is walking the talk and further along the path of where you want to be…
2) Dig deep discover your true passion and build a business around that thing…
3) Work out a 12 month, 6 month, 90 day plan …break it down with your mentor to bite size chunks where upon you know what to do weekly to reach your desired goal/destination. A critical path working back from that ‘specific date in your diary’…Then join the dots…So you have your success compass worked out and you understand the quickest route…
4) Work out your marketing budget/plan with your coach…
5) Pick one marketing platform where you will spend your time and money and master that platform.
6) Eighty percent of your time should be spent working on building your list of prospects using your chosen platform… Driving quality traffic to your webpage/landing page where upon you can build a relationship with your subscribers/list by giving incredible value weekly…
7) Make sure you have built a automated marketing system and funnel with no leaks that can drive traffic and collect emails by giving free and valuable advise that will solve a problem for your new subscriber…
…You and your coach can test to make sure you have chosen the correct platform for your personality and that it is up and running and doing what it s supposed to do >>>>> GROW YOUR LIST!
All of the above can be set up very fast when you get with a successful coach who is doing the same as he is asking you to do and living the life of freedom and flexibility with his or hers own online business…
Obviously with all above points there is a little work in putting it all together and there will be necessary brain storming sessions…
With the right partnership your automated system can be wrapped around your personal brand and up and running within 90 days!…